
Benefits of a Shower Filter?

A Shower Filter is a device that filters water to remove harmful contaminants. Many of these filters are NSF-certified and will not only remove chlorine but also improve water's pH balance, improving the overall quality of the shower. They are also great for reducing odors. The water coming out of a shower filter will not only smell better, it will improve the condition of your hair and skin.

Exposure to chemicals and vapors in the shower can cause a number of health issues, ranging from physical fatigue to depression and lowered immune function. While shower filters are not as effective as reverse osmosis, they can still improve the condition of your hair and skin. A shower filter is a great solution for most households.

Chlorine-containing water is extremely harmful to your health. The chlorine in chlorinated water can cause premature fading of hair colors. It can also cause dandruff. It can also remove the natural oils that protect your hair. This may not be immediately obvious, but it can make your hair look dull and dry.

A shower filter can eliminate the damaging chlorine and chloramines in the water. These chemicals agitate a variety of skin conditions, including rashes and acne. As well, chlorine strips the oils from your skin. It can even irritate preexisting skin sensitivity.

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